3、英国主要报刊The Times泰晤士报泰晤士报是英国高端的主流报纸,中文通常翻译为“泰晤士报” 总的来说这家报纸的读者自我定位为政治家和社会精英,通常比较关心国家大事报纸在报道内容上非常全面,国内外大事都是关注的重点,并且一直致。
5、翻译One day, several physicists went to Einstein#39s home by car, wanted to ask him to watch a new play But Einstein is writing the scientific thesis in the study conscientiously quotDear doctor, please。
6、Running is my strength, and I think I am fit to attend the 100meter run In order to win this game, I plan to keep running 3,000 meters and doing other exercise every day I hope I can get the。
8、Reengineering of grain handling in the 1850s was caused by technological and institutional changes that accompanied the invention of the telegraph 1844 and the expansion of the railway1850年期间,伴随着电报的。
9、Apple Watch,允许顾客查看邮件于零售店购买商品并且监控个人健康信息,是苹果公司自2010年ipad之后启动的最主要商品首席执行官 Cook 告知 The Telegraph英国报社 Apple Watch 的设计旨在替代如今大部分汽车使用的汽车钥匙。
11、Alvaro Thomas Edison ThomasAlvaEdison The United States is a worldrenowned scientists and inventorsIn addition to his gramophone Electric, telephone, telegraph, inventions and contributions to the movie, in the mining。
12、通过按下松开使电路一会儿通一会儿断,形成点划空的信号,从而发送出字符信息 A private wireless telegraph which would tran *** it by dot and dash system the result of a national equine handicap。
13、根据你的问题补充 以下是我的修改之后的答案 羽岸Yvonne i#39v#601n i 读作伊冯 解析Yvonne 与 羽岸的 读音相似 做人名时意为懂得人情世故,既聪明又友善 做公司名字时 意为友好的,可信赖的。
14、it is following the telegraph, telephone, radio, computer, after a great invention, the world#39s computers linked via the Internet, to communicate or share information resources Wireless phones with the Internet。
15、大家都翻译得不错的此句是个强调句“It wasthat”,你把it was that去掉再换一下语序就更清楚了The Atlantic Telegraph company turned to Navy for information on this matter in 1953大西洋电报公司在1953。
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